ANZSPO Education and Travel Scholarship 2025
Applications are invited for the ANZSPO Education and Travel Scholarship in 2025, to attend the 9th Annual Paediatric Airway Course in Brisbane, August 19th-20th, 2025.. It includes a one day hands on workshop including simulation and live animal work with a second day of airway lectures. A flyer for the course is attached.
Reimbursement to the successful recipient of the ANZSPO Education and Travel Scholarship, is for travel, accommodation, and registration costs of attendance at the course, up to a maximum of $AUD4,500. Reimbursement will occur after successful attendance at the course. Travel bookings and visa arrangements remain the responsibility of the recipient.
Criteria for selection:
- Home country in the Asia-Pacific region.
- A recommendation from Chairman of applicant’s Unit including brief description of home otolaryngology unit, and potential role for candidate.
- A brief statement from the applicant that they are unable to gain similar skills in their own country, or how much training they can get locally. It is clearly recognised that potential candidates will want to progress from “good” skills to “better” skills and already-trained clinicians will not be excluded from applying in order to up-skill.
- A brief Statement from the applicant about how they will use the skills they have learnt after they return home.
- Abbreviated curriculum vitae.
The Selection Panel for 2025 is: President ANZSPO Prof. Shyan Vijayasekaran, Treasurer ANZSPO Dr Eric Levi, and the 2025 Course convener Dr Hannah Burns.
Applications close 1 June 2025. Applications to Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified by 15 June 2025. After completion of the course, and upon submission of appropriate receipts, reimbursement will be made promptly to the bank account of the applicant’s choice.

2024: Dr James Rondel – Philippines

2023: Dr Atiqah Farah – Malaysia

2019 : Dr Sok Davy Touch – Cambodia